April 27, 2011


Okay kids! Here's what's on my list for my next adventure for when I get home from Texas. :)


10k September 17th. Join me and get dirty!!

April 19, 2011

Hey, buddies!

My favorite buddy turned 23 yesterday. He was doing stuff with his fam so Court and I took him out to din din at Wingers tonight. A day later. :) Seriously, one of my favorite friends I've made here in Logan. He's always been there for me, was the friend I needed when I wanted someone to talk to. Heck, I even spot him lifting weights at the gym. My friend, Cam Webb is an unforgettable one. He makes me laugh. So here's to you birthday boy!

We went to Wingers and they gave us this HUGE free dessert. Cam was in heaven. 

I'm not eating sweets until Sarah comes home, so Court and Cam enjoyed it all to themselves. :)

We had a good ol' time.

Unfortunately, I had to head to work straight after. Fortunately, I had my laptop and camera. :) So I could upload all my pictures from the evenings events.

April 17, 2011

Nike. Love.

I love Nike. And their ads. They rock.


I love Nike.

April 13, 2011

I've got it bad.

Okay people. I'm about to admit that, well, I'm having an acne attack. Seriously!? I'm 22 this shouldn't be happening at my age. What are your best face washes, zit creme, home made remedies? This is seriously sooo embarrassing so help a girl out. ASAP.

Loves and rockets,


April 10, 2011


Tomorrow is our weekly tradition of Monday Night Meals. :) Courtney and I are trying to get rid of all the stuff we have in our cupboards and ran across an abnormal supply of spaghetti noodles. So this inspired us that for tomorrow nights dinner we will be having good ol' fashioned spaghetti, meat sauce and garlic bread. :) 


Now, don't be too jealous of just dinner. Because for dessert we'll be having


I was thinking of doing something in the crock pot, because let's be honest: those are THEE best meals and super easy and it makes it seem like you put all this effort into it and you didn't :)

If you have any suggestions on dinner, do share. I love cooking, baking, etc. It's amazing I don't weigh 300 pounds because I love it so much.

Anyways, if you're hungry around 6:30 tomorrow night, come on over and we'll feed you.

April 6, 2011

Deep in the Heart.

This is me babbling. I only have  1.25 hours left of work, and I blog during these times. But I wanted to give everyone an update on where I'll be this summer:

That's right. I'll be in Dallas, Texas. :) Woo, go me! I love my adventurous lifestyle and moving around the U.S., it's awesome. I figure that I'm only young once and I'm eternally single, so I may as well have a little fun. Feel free to come and visit because I'd love to see you this summer!



Today I'm feeling in the crafty, homemaking mood. The, I sew something, and see the results of my labors, type of mood. Only problem is- what to make? I'm thinking a skirt of some fashion sounds easy enough. And with this great spring weather it only seems appropriate. So, my fellow homemakers and crafty women; what is a good project to do this weekend?

Hearts and rockets,


April 3, 2011


It's semi- annual. And I love it. This year I paid way more attention that I usually do and I freakin' loved it! Wow. We have the best leaders in our church for this modern day and there is ALWAYS something for everyone. I was able to go to the conference center this year for one of the sessions and it was amazing. I took Steph with me, she had never been before so it was a pretty neat experience for her.


 Listening to what the Prophet and Apostles had to say this weekend just made me so thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. :) We'll see what they have to say in another 6 months. And as Lloyd D. Newell would say, "May peace be with you, this day and always."
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