September 30, 2012

Crimson Trail

We first heard about this hike from General Conference, April 2011 when one of the Seventy, Paul V. Johnson said:
"The Crimson Trail in Logan Canyon is one of my favorite hikes. The main part of the trail creeps along the top of tall limestone cliffs and offers beautiful vistas of the canyon and valley below. Getting to the top of the cliffs isn't easy, however. The trail there is a constant climb; and just before reaching the top, the climber encounters the steepest part of the trail; and views of the canyon are hidden by the cliffs themselves. The final exertion is more than worth the effort because once the climber is on top, the views are breathtaking. The only way to see the views is to make the climb."
The trail was especially hard for me. I've been on a ton of medicine the last year, and the last 3 months I've been on Accutane. It makes my muscles and joints hurt to the point where even sitting begins to hurt. I haven't been able to be active (hence the weight gain) but I really, really wanted to do this hike. There are two ways to get up to the top: take the side that goes straight up or do the gradual climb side. We chose the straight up side. We had been hiking for a little while and getting nearer to the top but every step was becoming so hard for me. I kept asking Jeff if we really were near the top. He would say yes, but before we get to the top it actually gets harder. There came a point in the hike that I thought if this really isn't right here then I'll go back down by myself and wait for them. My body was exhausted, it was beginning to hurt to walk and put pressure on my feet. 
And then, one more climb up and we were there. It was amazing. It was breath taking. IT was worth it. On our way back down the easy side of the mountain, I just kept thinking that the hike was a metaphor for life's trials. Before anything becomes easy, it gets really hard. But in the end, it's definitely worth it.

So, if you're ever up for a hike that will push your limits, then this is the one I will always recommend.


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