July 2, 2014

// According to IG //

My life according to IG in the month of June has been fun! I cut off 8 inches of hair. Gave Sarah an awesome baby shower. Caught up with old friends over lunch. Attended a wedding. Spent time with my awesome cousin. Got to hang out with my nephew several times. ANNND my sister got engaged to a pretty cool dude. Not pictured: Seven Peaks and a night of fireworks. 

Not only has June been a busy social month, I've also been working my butt off at work. Sleep has been an unknown thing to me. So I had the last 4 days off in a row and I spent them all sleeping in and being lazy around the house. It was wonderful!  

This weekend I'm going on a date. It's a semi blind date because I had a friend say, this is Tom (I changed the name to keep it annonymous) and I want to set you up. Tell me if you think he is cute! So I said yes to the date, although I can't tell from his pictures if he's cute or not... Guess I'll find out on Saturday. I will update my fans later next week on how it goes. 
In the mean time, have an amazing time celebrating 'Murica! Don't blow up houses or burn anything down. You know what? Maybe just stay inside where it's safe. 
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