This is a blog post about how when it rains it pours. Maybe for some of my readers it's more like a sprinkle, but me, I basically doubled the dates I've been in two days than I have in three months. I know my posts about awful dates are much more entertaining than ones that actually go well, so I'll start with the almost bad one first.
I was supposed to go on 3 dates this week, people. THREE. I had planned them perfectly; Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I worked Tuesday night until 4am and had to be back in Logan to work that same morning. The first date was set up through the stake. Our ward a few weeks ago in Relief Society, they sent around a blind date sign up and Bridget and I decided we were going to sign up for kicks and giggles. Plus, everyone else in RS was wiggin' out. I signed up knowing I wouldn't be able to go because I had work the night the mass blind date was going to happen. Dangit! :) Anyway, homie #1 called and asked me out, I had to decline. Then he kept asking me out and I was always busy. I finally set some time aside and we decided to go on Wednesday. The day of our date he texts me and wants to push the time for our date back further because he wanted to go to a BBQ at 6. So, I agreed. Finally around the time we were supposed to go he texted me to say he was still there and I just texted back and said, you know what? I'm tired, I worked late and had to be back in Logan early and for him to have fun at his BBQ. He texted back and said okay, we can reschedule if you want... Homie #1 did not get a text back. So, that was almost date numero uno.
I got set up through some friends with date number 2. And lets be success rate from blind dates when a friend sets me up isn't high. They're usually disatrous. You can find those dates here and here. I would try and tell you the connection of how I got set up, but it's kind of confusing. So, homie #2 came and got me on Thursday night and I immediately felt like I knew him. He's kind of like one of my really good friends in Logan, I felt like I knew him. He took me to Color Me Mine, which I have been dying to go to for a long time. I was pretty pumped! I made an awesome mug design and he made a mug that had the Jazz logo on one side and the Atlanta Braves logo on the other side.Then we went to the Porcupine Grill for dinner. It was awesome! If you haven't been there to eat, you need to. And he had me back home at a reasonable hour. Plus, he was really easy to talk to. It was the best date I've been on in a long time. And come on, you guys would have to agree with me. I didn't have to pay for myself, bring my own food, hear about how he only likes cheap dates... Win, win, win! I had a really good time.
Now, for my last date. I met this boy on Tinder. Don't judge me. You can find people on online dating type things. And for those of you that don't know what Tinder is, it's an app that anonymously finds out who likes you nearby, and connects you with them if you're also interested. Tinder has been the best time waster ever. Plus, I get to show off how witty I am via text message. In real life I seem to not be able to come across as witty. Anyway, I had talked to homie #3 for about two weeks and decided to go out with him. He took me to Red Ginger- a sushi place and it was awesome! Then after that we went and got cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory and took it back to his place to eat. We were able to talk and get to know each other better on the date. He's really funny too, which I like. All in all, it was a really good date.
I'm liking what's going on in my dating life right now and if either of the boys I went on a date with asked me out again, I'd definitely say yes. So here is to hopin' for good things to come!