October 25, 2011

Vegas Vacation

I love Vegas. I love my family. Those two worlds came together this weekend and it was wonderful. It was fall break and my Mom planned the best girls trip ever. We left Friday morning, super early, and made it to V-town around noon.

Shopping is what the Buckner girls are genetically made to do. We wasted no time in getting to our first shop- H&M where I got some cutie pie things! I love their clothes. Seriously. I am so excited for the H&M store to be opening at the Fashion Place Mall. However, my bank account will not like it. :)

We then went to Wild Oats and had lunch, dropped our things off at the hotel and headed out for more shopping. In Vegas they have the worlds best F21 there. It did not fail in supplying with me endless amounts of want. So many cute things! My Mom treated us all and got us some new things. :) Love her all the much! I got a new winter jacket (which I was in desperate need of), a skirt and a few tops. :) Oh, and I got a striped dress because I love stripes oh so much.

After a little shopping we decided it was dinner time and went to the Paris and ate some French croissants and deserts. Life is too short to eat dinner first, and we were on vacation where calories never count.

The next day we stayed in Vegas for the morning and did a little more shopping around. Mainly we were looking for an animal print sparkly, jeweled phone cover. The cheapest one we found was for 55 bucks! Yeah, right! After looking around for a little bit we headed over to St. Geezy, to go to the event we were there for! Thriller!!!

We ate and took more pictures.:) And surprise, surprise- shopped more. Thriller was pretty dang good too! They had the zombies walking through the isles and I got put on the end because I am the only one who wouldn't react when they got all up in my grill. 

Girls Vegas vacation was a much needed trip for my sanity. A quick shot out to my Momma, who made this all possible. I had such a fun time. :) And you're a babe.

1 comment:

  1. I want to print off that picture of Sarah and frame it on my wall. It is soo wonderful!


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